Chapter 14


I reached for the back of my shoulder and massaged it as I realized just how stressed out I was. I stretched my neck from right to left and focused on my tense muscles. I took a sip of my coffee but my head was just elsewhere. In my entire life, never have I ever felt so lost and lonely. I couldn’t talk to Gran about what had happened, nor Sam, Jason, Lafayette or anyone else. It would put bullseye’s on their back and let’s face it, I was not sure they would actually believe me. I couldn’t go to the police because they would think I was crazy, I couldn’t go to the media for the same reason so all I was left with was an enormous secret, big fears and unbearable stress. I thought about church but I didn’t think talking to a man of faith would help my immediate problem. I tried to assess everything, think back about what had happened and what I should have done and what I should have not done.

I thought back about the library and my encounter. Who was that guy? What did he want with me? I couldn’t recall exactly our conversation but it sure sounded like he had some rage on for Eric. Calling him a Viking? Was that supposed to mean he was one? That means he would be over 1000 years old! He seemed to think I was working for them. I mean I was but not for the vampires, for the business. Was there a difference?

I thought back about Eric. I could call him? Would he talk to me? What if what I was feeling for him was not real? I couldn’t be so sure anymore. What if he was playing me like Bill had? And that woman, saying I belong to her. Do I not get a choice?

‘’Tara called this morning while you were sleeping.” Gran said to me and I looked up from my cup of coffee. She was reading her book at the kitchen table while I was having my coffee. Sure it was the afternoon, but that is what happens when you don’t fall asleep before the sun comes up. You sleep the morning through. Plus, I was really used to this schedule already having night shifts at Salon Rouge.

“Everything okay?” I asked her in order to both prompt her to continue but also letting her know that I was paying attention.

“Oh yes. She has arrived quicker than she expected. She said to let you know so you can go see her at her cousins.” She said with a smile and I smiled in return.

I was really happy Tara was finally coming home from her trip. I still had no idea what it was for but I expected eventually she would explain it and I did not want to push her. It had been so sudden. A part of me actually considered telling her my secret. I felt I needed to trust someone but at the same time I did not want to put her in danger, nor wanted her to share the weight of it. I craved her objectivity, her quick thinking and I sighed torn by the decision I was facing.

“That is great news! Do you need anything at all before I go see her?” I asked her but she nodded negatively.

“No, I do not my dear. You must be eager to see her. Go!” she exclaimed and I grabbed my coffee cup to put it in the sink.

“Are you working tonight?” she asked me before I reached the stairs.

“No I am not. I took the rest of the weekend off.” I said quickly before heading to my room so I could get ready to go see Tara.

One pair of jeans, a purple tank top, a black sweater and a pony tail later, I was ready to leave.

“I will be back before sundown.” I said to her and she frown.

“Sundown? You mean dinner?” and as she asked the question I thought back on how weird I was probably sounding right now. Like crazier than usual.

“Yes, of course” I brushed it off and kissed her on the cheeks.

“Sookie,” she added as I opened the door. “Have you seen Tina by any chance?”

Tina was our family cat. She was mainly an outdoor cat so it was not strange for us not to see her for days but now that I was thinking about it, I had not seen her in at least a week.

“No I haven’t. Maybe she is out hunting or something.” I said to her with a reassuring smile but I wasn’t reassured myself. It wasn’t like our cat. “I will keep an eye open for her; you should let some of your friends know. They might have seen her.”

She quickly smiled and closed the door as I walked to my car. I was eager to see Tara and did not lose anytime driving to Lafayette’s place. I was selfishly hoping Sam and Lafayette would not be home so I could have her all to myself.

As I knocked on the door, I heard Lafayette in the background telling me to come in. Tara was waiting for me on the other side. She was smiling and looked absolutely stunning. Tara was taller than me and had darker skin color than Lafayette. She was somewhat of a tom boy but seeing her with her hair down, her tank top and cute little shorts just warmed my heart up. I threw myself into her arms and hugged her tighter as if I was never gonna let her go. She was laughing and tapping me on the back and after a few minutes she pushed me away with a smile.

“You gonna suffocate me woman!” she said laughing.

“I am so sorry Tara, It just I haven’t seen you in so long!”

“You look like hell” she said and I looked down. I am sure it was true. I made a point to keep my shields up for now, feeling danger was minimal.

“Well you look great! You will have to tell me what the hell you have been up to in the past couple months” I exclaimed.

“Thanks Sook’, I am feeling great. I have met some truly amazing people.” She said to me and Lafayette kissed me on the cheek to greet me.

He indicated the living room and we all sat.

“Where is Sam?” I asked Lafayette

“Doin’ some crazy cracker thing I am assuming.” He replied, which meant he did not know.

“So what’s going on Sookie? You look like you haven’t slept in days.” She asked me. If only she knew.

“I have been sick, but I am feeling much better now. What have you been up to? Where did you go?” I said trying to change the conversation. I did not want to place her or Lafayette in danger.

“Well, you know how it was for me. It has been a hard year. I didn’t mean to leave so suddenly, I just met really great people who took me in and took care of me. I love your Gran, I love you, but I needed to get away from Bon Temps you know?”

I understood her. Four days ago, I might have not have but now, I felt like leaving this town was also my only option. Tara had had a bad couple years in general. Our small town was not nice to her and having a drunk for a mother who insults anyone and everyone did not help anything. Tara had no job, no boyfriend, no one except my family. She had taken off without really explaining anything but had kept in touch just enough that my Gran had not worried yet, something sounded off. Maybe I was jealous but I felt as if she was high right now, she was being so nice and smiley, it was just too good to be true. Was I being unfair? It wasn’t something I was used to seeing when it came to Tara. She wasn’t a particularly happy and smiley person. Is that what a happy Tara looked like?

The phone rang and Lafayette took it into his bedroom. Tara looked at me when the door closed and frowned.

“Are you gonna tell me what’s up with you?” she said seriously and I shrugged. “Sookie Stackhouse, I know you better than anyone, tell me what is going on. Go on before he comes back.” She insisted and I looked at the window.

I did not want to fight with her; I did not have the energy. The temptation to tell her was so high, I couldn’t control myself.

“You are going to think I am crazy.” I said to her and she laughed out loud.

“Sook’, you can read minds, you are crazy” she joked, “People make you crazy with their thoughts. What’s going on?”

“Well you know about Merlotte’s. I had to get a new job. I went to Shreveport. I was a bartender.”

“Was?” she caught on.

“Well I am not sure I still want to work there anymore.” I replied and she stayed silent waiting for me to continue. “It’s my boss.” I paused unable to find the words.

“What abouthim?”

“He is not human. My new neighbour either.”

“What?” she said frowning again, clearly not understanding what I was saying.

“Tara, you must listen to me and not call me crazy or nuts. You have to trust me, I am lost too. I wish I didn’t know but it’s too late now. I don’t know what to do, they will kill me.” I said to her as I felt my heart rate increase. The panic was filling my stomach and my mouth dried up. I couldn’t speak anymore, I was so scared.

“Sookie, calm down!” She said to me as she moved to sit close to me on the couch. “You know you can tell me anything. I promise I won’t make fun of you.” She looked concerned and worried. I focused on her voice hard enough that I could find my words again.

“Vampires.” I paused, “They exist.” I said to her and her eyes widen.


I was driving home as quickly as I could, thinking back on my reunion with Tara. I am pretty sure she had not believed me at first but the more I explained to her what had happened what I had seen, her thoughts told me she was starting to. At some point it felt as if it was not her first encounter with the supernatural but when I questioned her about it, her mind closed off and she brushed it off. It had never happened before; it was as if some of her memories were forbidden for me to see.

When our conversation moved to whom she had met and why she had left so suddenly, she kept apologizing for the pain she had caused. It was so not her to say she was sorry,, it made me wonder what had happened with her new friends. I tried for a second time to snoop at that point but her memories were not accessible to me. She talked about a boyfriend, and as much as I wanted to believe there was more, she looked so happy with him, I did not want to take it away with all my questions.

Our conversation had to be cut short when Lafayette had join us back into the living room but she whispered in my ears that I should not tell anyone else about what I had seen. She seemed to take me seriously when I told her I was scared for my life but also for my family and before I left, she told me she would be by tomorrow at the house to talk about this.

The sun was slowly coming down along with all my hopes of survival. I was afraid, as if the night was bringing my demons out, I did not feel safe in my own house anymore. I could try to fabricate some kind of stake but I wasn’t sure what to use. When I pulled in the driveway, I took a look at my phone to see I had 3 new texts. They were all from Kim asking if I was okay. I wasn’t sure why she would ask me that so I replied

“Yes, why?”

She instantly replied back that Pam had told her I was sick and that she just wanted to make sure I was okay.

“Yes I am getting better. I’ll talk to you soon.” Is all I replied before closing my phone.

Gran was waiting for me at the kitchen table when I came in. She had prepared supper and I smiled thanking her for what looked like would be delicious if I was really hungry. She had made Jambalaya. She served me a plate and proceeded in asking many questions about Tara. I answered them with as much patience as I could manage but truth be told, I was running out of time and with the sun now completely down, I was terrified with what the night would bring.

Once supper was over and the dishes were all clean, we moved to the living room where Gran continued her book and I looked through the living room’s window and scanned the area with my mind to find nothing.

“How’s your book?” She said to me after a few minutes of me staring into space.

“What book?” I asked her looking at her.

“The one you brought back from the library.” She said and I reached for it. It was sitting on the small table beside the couch.

“Haven’t started it yet.” I said as I quickly flipped the pages. It was that ”Cwellere” book the nut job had given me before taking off leaving me half scared to death. I landed on a chapter about what was called glamouring and I read it out of curiosity as I sat beside Gran. It sounded pretty accurate.

“Looks interesting” she said to make conversation.

“Yes very.” I said but then stopped in the middle of my sentence. Someone was coming, I could tell that someone wasn’t human; vampire.

“What’s wrong? You look like you saw a ghost.” Gran exclaimed but she didn’t have time to say anything else I was already at the door.

“Good evening Sookie.” Bill said as he took off his shoes in the entrance hall.

“Mr. Compton!” Gran said, “What a pleasant surprise!” she added and took his coat.

“It is always a pleasure to see you,” he responded politely kissing her on the hand.

I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t make a scene, not in front of my Gran and he didn’t seem to be hostile so I cautiously proceeded to the living room where Gran brought us some sweet tea. She grabbed her book and said she was really tired but I knew it was a lie. She just wanted to give us some privacy. In her mind, Bill and I were practically dating. In normal times, I would have appreciated the space, but at that very second I was devastated. Would he dare anything under our roof? My Gran would not be a threat to him, was he toying with us? Was he pretending like he had been all along?

Once she was out of earshot, I glared at him waiting for him to begin explaining why he was even here.

“Sookie, I know all of this is a lot to take. I want to ensure your safety.” He said in a cold tone but presenting his hand in a defeated gesture. I had hoped that it would have been what Eric who would have done, but who am I kidding. Now here I was, trapped in my own home with a vampire I did not know how to fight other than a stake to the heart and let’s just say I didn’t have one lying around. After a few minutes, he looked up at me and smirked slightly. “I care about you whether you accept it or not, I need you to at least trust me.”

“You raped blood me.” I declared as if it was an actual thing. How else would you describe a vampire putting their blood in your body just so they can possess you?

“I had orders from my queen, I had no choice.” He said and then sat closer to me. “Believe me it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my 200 years on this earth.”

I did not process right away what he had said. How could I? Hundreds of years, it was hard to swallow.

“I would never hurt you intentionally.” He added as if it was to make me feel better.

“Well you did. How could I ever trust you?”

He didn’t reply right away, maybe he thought I had a point? It gave me a chance to collect my thoughts.

“I have questions.”

“Ask away, I am here to help.” He said clinging to it as if it was some kind of peace offering.

“Why you? I don’t trust you and you know it. If you really cared about me, you would have sent someone else. Pam, Eric, anyone else but yourself.” I said angrily but tried to contain myself as I was still unsure of his intentions. “You wouldn’t just walk in my house, scare me half to death and lie to my grandmother!”

Bill looked stunned, I guess that was normal when he expected me to ask all sorts of questions about the supernatural but instead was asking why HE was there. The reality is that I would have like anyone else but him. If I wasn’t so pissed I would be ashamed on how illogical I was being, but truth be told, I did not want to discuss this mess with no one, especially Bill.

“There is no one else Sookie. I couldn’t send one of your co-workers because they do not know about us, Pam and Eric are on house arrest and the bouncers are busy. What else was I supposed to do?” he said defensively.

“Home Arrest?” I was not going to pretend anymore. I wanted to know and as much as I did not understand their world, Bill was the only one at the moment that could explain why a phone call was too much to ask for. I knew I was behaving like a little girl and not the lady my Gran had taught me to be but I was exhausted, petrified and lost.

“He disobeyed our Queen.” He growled in his breath. The Queen? That must have been that woman in the basement. She had seemed as if she was giving orders. I felt like Bill was not being honest with me, as if he was keeping something away from me. You know when someone tells you a half truth and you feel as if you have to force the answer out of them?

“I still don’t understand. He could call or something” I stated with my arms crossed on my chest.

“It is the blood talking.” He sneered. “You cannot like him. He is dangerous.”

“Excuse me?” I said beyond pissed off but he didn’t let me finish. Which really is a good thing. I did not know Eric and maybe it was the blood talking and maybe Bill was just trying to help me.

“There is nothing to understand. He broke the law and he will be put to tribunal for it. Until then he cannot leave Salon Rouge. As to why he didn’t call you, Eric is a dick end of the story. He is a manipulative, violent and untrustworthy vampire. He hasn’t lived a thousand years to be all rainbows and unicorns Sookie. Get over him and stop being a child” He said quickly and angrily and I thought he was going to jump on my throat so I got up quickly and almost ran to the kitchen. But he didn’t stop me so I did before I exited the room. He was not going after me instead he had his hands forming fists and was staring at the floor.

I stayed silence for a bit unsure how to respond to him. He was right. I was being a child and cared more about Eric than I should as his employee and someone I didn’t really know. I felt ashamed by my behavior. There were so many questions I should have been asking Bill. My chance to make sense out of this mess but I was hurt and angry.

“Sookie, I know it is a lot to take in, but if you could just come with me, I will answer everything I promise.” He said as he got up to face me.

“Why did Longshadow want to kill me? If you guys are so freaking safe?”

“I do not know.”

“Why torture the guy in the basement?”

“I do not know Sookie.”

“How am I supposed to trust you if you can’t even answer basic questions?”

He grabbed my shoulder and stared into my eyes growling. I tried to take a step back but he held me in place squeezing me a bit too tight.

“Why can’t you just see I am trying to protect you! Come with me.” He said with a firm tone but I was scared. Bill had not shown restrain when it came to me saying no. What was he going to do? I gathered all the courage I could find before I opened my mouth.

“No Bill, I am not coming with you! Get out of my house, I hate you all, I want nothing to do with your fucking world. I don’t want to know about vampire bullshit and.” I was cut short. As if a giant vacuum was taking Bill away, he let go of my arm and was swallowed to the front porch. I ran to the door that was now wide open and which shut once his body was out the door. What the flying fuck?

I looked through the small window and then opened just the first door, not the screen one.

“Sookie let me in.” he barked at me.

“What do you mean? You can’t come in?”

He answered with a snarl that was a good enough answer. Eric’s words came back to me the night I had drove to Salon Rouge after Bill had tried to force himself onto me. Eric told me to rescind my invitation from Bill. I had responded with I was sure Bill knew he was not welcomed into my house but now I think I understood what he meant. An old tale spoke of vampires needed to be invited inside; housing being somewhat off limit without it.

I was safe in my own house as long as I did not invite them in?

“That would have been a really good thing to tell me for my safety Bill Compton.”

“I am sorry Sookie, I don’t know what you actually know and don’t know!”

“You could just tell me everything instead of fuckinghalf-truths!”

“Where to start?” he hissed and Gran came to the door.

“What is going on here?” she asked but I closed the door.

“Bill is leaving.” I looked at her and hugged her. “And please Gran; don’t invite him to our home anymore.”

“What happened?” she asked worried something horrible had happened as her thoughts were screaming to me. I explained to her that I did not want to talk about it but that I was fine.

“Are you guys not together anymore?” she asked innocently and I just replied we were going through some things. It was the easiest way to put this to bed for now so I would not get a thousand questions. She smiled and looked out the window to see if Bill was still there but did not see him. I heard my cellphone ring a couple time but I did not answer it. Now that I knew I was safe in my own house, it was time to go to bed and shut the entire world out. I did not want to be part of the supernatural world so I was going to do just that.

A/N: Thank you Kleannhouse for your invaluable work on this story! Believe me everyone, I am very fortunate to have her. In the real world, writers don’t get free quality service like that.

16 thoughts on “Chapter 14

  1. Pingback: Bleed Like Me- Chapter 14 | Lady Annachronism

  2. Have a feeling Tara’s new friends are of the supe variety. Glad Sookie was able to get Bill out of the house but I hate when she plays ‘ostrich’ and sticks her head in the sand to pretend things aren’t happening, sigh

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Updates 11-1-15 | Fanfiction Minions

  4. yes I’m wondering about library guy as well. Early FOTS? Were’s? hmmm.

    Ugh Scumbill is so pathetic. Always blaming someone else. She isn’t being a child. She’s been hurt and betrayed. woo hoo for recinded invitation. Sadly only vamps need the invitation. Other beings don’t

    Wonder how long till Gran catches on and tells her about the Fae.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. It is always so interesting to hear what people think and guess will happen!

      You have a good sense of deduction but let’s just say you are a bit right and a bit wrong 😀


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